"The Acts of the Apostles provides evidence that Christian proclamation was engaged from the very first with the philosophical currents of the time. In Athens, we read, Saint Paul entered into discussion with 'certain Epicurean and Stoic philosophers' (17:18); and exegetical analysis of his speech at the Areopagus has revealed frequent allusions to popular beliefs deriving for the most part from Stoicism. This is by no means accidental. If pagans were to understand them, the first Christians could not refer only to 'Moses and the prophets' when they spoke. They had to point as well to natural knowledge of God and to the voice of conscience in every human being (cf. Rom 1:19-21; 2:14-15; Acts 14:16-17). Since in pagan religion this natural knowledge had lapsed into idolatry (cf. Rom 1:21-32), the Apostle judged it wiser in his speech to make the link with the thinking of the philosophers, who had always set in opposition to the myths and mystery cults notions more respectful of divine transcendence." -- Pope St. John Paul II, Fides et Ratio

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Fine-Tuning Argument and the Gap Problem: Some Objections Considered

I. Introduction

The fine-tuning argument (FTA) is an argument for an Intelligent Designer of the physical universe. The basic idea is that physicists have discovered that a number of the fundamental constants that show up in the laws of physics (e.g., the cosmological constant and the fine structure constant) are remarkably fine-tuned for the existence of biological life.[1] What such “fine-tuning” amounts to is that there is a wide range of reasonable values that these constants could take on but a comparatively narrow—very narrow, in fact—range of life-permitting values, that is, values that would make the existence of biological life possible. As it happens, it is an empirical discovery that the values these constants have in fact taken on fall within the life-permitting range. Had this not been the case, biological life would not have been possible. Given the wide range of possible, reasonable values and the narrow range of life-permitting values, it is highly improbable that the constants should have taken on life-permitting values and thus highly improbable that there would be biological life. Yet here we are.

On an Argument from Divine Simplicity to the Eternality of Creation

Are you toying with me and turning me around in an impossible maze of logic? For now you enter by the way you left, and then you leave by th...