For anyone who might be interested, my master's thesis has now been published and is accessible HERE.
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Sunday, January 7, 2024
Biblical Cryptography: The Atbash Cipher
Cryptography is the art and science of secure and private communications. Very simply put, the main idea is for a sender (call her Alice) to take a message, turn it into nonsense, and send it to a receiver (call him Bob). Upon receiving the nonsense message from Alice, Bob turns it back into the original message so that he can read it. An eavesdropper (call her Eve) who might intercept the nonsense message should be unable to turn it back into the original message. The process of turning a message into nonsense is called encryption, and the process of turning nonsense back into a message is called decryption. Thus, Alice encrypts a message and sends it to Bob, and Bob decrypts the message and reads it. Eve is (ideally) unable to decrypt the message even if she intercepts it.
On an Argument from Divine Simplicity to the Eternality of Creation
Are you toying with me and turning me around in an impossible maze of logic? For now you enter by the way you left, and then you leave by th...

The cultural moment we now find ourselves in demands, possibly more than any other time in history, a potent and spirited renewal of apologe...
"Surprisingly, though, evil is actually evidence for God, not against Him." — Greg Koukl " True evil is evidence for God’s ...
On his blog, Edward Feser argues that it is illegitimate to think of God as a hypothesis ( Edward Feser: Is God’s existence a “hypothesis”?...